8 February 2023: (Special Report) a shocking revelation has come out regarding the illegal sale of weapons on Facebook by Hindutva groups. Wall Street Journal, reported that users on Facebook have offered to sell 'pistols, rifles, shotguns and bullets.’
The Wall Street Journal claims to have reviewed documents which confirm that Facebook had refused to remove the posts immediately, that is offering illegal sale of weapons, even it is violated the Facebook Policies.
After the increasing media investigations Facebook have been removed the posts and it is confirmed that the posts were directly associated with Bajrang Dal.
Bajrang Dal is the youth wing of Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP). Bajrang Dal was designated a terrorist religious organization by the US Central Intelligence Agency in 2018 along with the VHP. Bajrang Dal members have also been jailed in India over the years for religious-based killings.
During investigation by prominent journalist Raqib Hameed Naik, it is revealed the posts offering guns for sale in five groups dedicated to Bajrang Dal. The WSJ reviewed and confirmed the same that some vendors reportedly promised to deliver weapons within 24 hours.
According to the report, in one post, "a user shared pictures of five pistols". Brown bullets were also seen coming out of a clip in one photo. According to Wall Street Journal, a post in Hindi said that any 'bhai' who needed a 'pistol' could contact the given mobile number.
When Mr. Naik contacted the seller via WhatsApp, the person responded that one of the pistols could be purchased for 11,000 Indian rupees, equivalent to $133, according to messages reviewed by the Wall Street Journal.
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Source: Wall Street Journal