TRENDS Sub Title
How does one talk of the disintegration of the world’s most populous democracy without surrendering to an exhausting pessimism? How does one remain objective about a story that involves one’s lived experience, persecution and humiliation? How does one write about their love for their nation when any attempt to highlight the fascism
مدينة بوربند، مسقط رأس المهاتما غاندي، توفر أسماك البحر مصدراً مهمًا لتأمين لقمة العيش للكثيرين من آلاف السنين، ولكن اليوم يطلب الصيادون الموت. ياللأسف، تأتي الاخبار من مدينة بوربندر بأن
Durgadas Sisupalan. A diehard follower of Far-Right Extremism and Terrorism (FRET) ideology and a member of Hindutva organisation Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh. His recent job termination from Qatar is one more example that many anti-Muslim and anti-Islamic Hindutva ideologists living and earning from Arab countries, but their hearts and minds