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Protestocuların çarşamba sabahı erken saatlerde Raja Singh'in evine doğru yürüme girişimleri polis tarafından engellendi. Ayrıca protestocular birçok yerde onun eserlerini yaktılar. Protestolar, salı günü Haydarabad'ın eski şehir bölgesinde, Modi'nin partisine mensup bir MLA olan T.
وما قضينا إلا أسابيع من تصريحات مسيئة لنبينا الكريم أدلت بها المتحدثة السابقة باسم حزب بهارتيا جانتا مما دفعت دولا عربية وإسلامية إلى استدعاء السفراء الهنود لديها للاحتجاج. وفي أعقابها، أكد
Protesters’ attempts to march towards Raja Singh’s house early Wednesday morning were foiled by the police. They also burnt his effigies in many places. Protests continued overnight in the Old City area of Hyderabad Tuesday against the alleged derogatory comments made by an MLA, T. Raja Singh, who belongs to Modi’s party,