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Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike'nin (BBMP), Chamarajpet'teki Idgah Maidan’ın mülkiyetinin Karnataka Gelir Dairesi'ne ait olduğunu belirtmesinden bir gün sonraki pazar günü çeşitli Hindu örgütleri yapılan açıklamayı kutlamak için Idgah Maidan’ın (Hindistan’da
اصدرت الهيئة الإدارية 'بروهت بنغلارو مهانغارا باليكا' BBMP أوامر تعلن فيها أن ملكية 'عيدغاه ميدان' (ميدان مصلي لصلاة العيدين) في مدينة 'شماراجبت' تملكها إدارة الإيرادات في ولاية
A day after the Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) stated that the ownership of the Idgah Maidan in Chamarajpet is with Karnataka Revenue Department, various Hindu organizations on Sunday gathered near the maidan to celebrate the order. Hindutva groups gathered near the ground and burst crackers, distributed sweets and announced that